Satmaric Concubines Advocacy

It has been historically recorded in Holy Writ that Lamech, Abraham, Jacob, Gideon, Elkanah, David, Solomon, and possibly Hosea were multi-spouse polygamous.

It has NOT been recorded anywhere in Scripture that such polygamy was deemed "bigamy" by the LORD, nor that such harem-type polygamy was damnable sin which any of the Old-Testament patriarchs had to nor did repent of.

Finally, it clearly states in the New Testament epistles to Timothy and Titus that "bishops" and "deacons" and "elders" MUST monogamously be "the husband of one wife" (First Timothy 3:2, 3:12, Titus 1:6) - which obviously prohibits the inferior gender occupying those ecclesiastical offices (First Corinthians 14:33-38, First Timothy 2:11-15) AND disallows "bishops" and "deacons" and "elders" from becoming and being polygamous.

Simon Peter, according to the New-Testament record, was obviously married (having a mother-in-law who Jesus healed, according to Matthew 8:14-15, Mark 1:30-31) and who Catholics consider the first Pope (so it behooves the current Pope in Rome and associated high-church cardinals to also have spouses (for purposes of First Corinthians 7:2 and KJV's First Timothy 5:14). Moreover, as stated in the Torah of the Old Testament, the High Priest was required to choose a non-divorced non-defiled Hebrew virgin to be his wife (Leviticus 21:10-15), and the Torah-stated possibility of having two wives (simultaneously) was explicited suggested -- both in the case of acquiring a war-time maiden from conquest (Deuteronomy 21:10-14) and in the case of a man impregnating his dead brother's widow for progenie-production purposes (Genesis 38:8-10, Deuteronomy 21:15-17, Deuteronomy 25:5-12, Ruth 3 & 4, Mark 12:19, Luke 20:28).

The aforementioned Biblical directives have NOT changed, even though hordes of deviates of pagan cultures (including an overwhelming number of them infesting the United States) have attempted to disregard and even illegalize them.

There are already-married Christian men, aged 20 to 60 years old and beyond, who have the intense and overwhelming biological-drive desire, plus time, money, circumstantial convenience and availability to acquire extra (but NOT substitute nor replacement) non-State-registered spouses for occasional or specific quasi-covert sexual activities (in addition to or to supplement what their legally-married wife provides, does not provide because of various causes, or is not willing to provide) such as close-observation-and-contact cunnilingus and fellatio (Ezekiel 16:7, Song 2:3, Song 5:1, Song 6:11 & 7:12, Isaiah 66:11).

Such Christian men have no intentions of engaging in any types, forms, or degrees of visual nor tactile adultery with a mistress nor masseuse or escort harlot, have absolutely no intentions of initiating nor causing a divorce, and are well aware of the certainty of persecution and probability of entanglements involved with such polygamy, doubling the complications and frustrations mentioned in First Corinthians 7:12-35.

Albeit, they are ready to select their singular choices of adult and consensual young women to be and become their own faithful and discreet permanently-married-to-themselves concubines, and they await receiving knowledge of the e-mail addresses of such young ladies they can respond to for more information such as cellphone numbers and photos.

However, there are immutable fixed conditions for such concubines-to-be, such as they MUST:

(1) be a never-before-married genital virgin
(2) be aged 20 to 40 years only
(3) reside within the same zipcode area as the man they offer themselves to
(4) declare their eye color, weight, body type, and typical or usual hair color
(5) be English-speaking citizens of the United States
(6) enjoy and hopefully perform classical and country music
(7) not wear fingernail nor toenail polish, perfume, eye shadow, have short fingernails, and no tattoos nor piercings, and have non-shaved crotch hair
(8) be relatively healthy and not significantly handicapped, and want to be treated by only female medics
(9) be self-employed and reside alone in their own house, apartment, cabin, or condo
(10) have post high-school training
(11) want to become pregnant without recourse to pregnancy-preventing pills, condoms, nor abortion homicide
(12) willing to wear a Purity Ring on the 4th finger of their left hand to discreetly show their concubinage
(13) not be sexist feminist per Lev. 27:1-5, Num. 30, Eccl. 7:26-28, Isa. 3:12, Nahum 3:13, and KJV's 1st Cor. 11:1-16
(14) seasonally (especially during warm weather) be consistently dressed modestly in mixed-gender public view pertaining to decent up-do or back-of-head-ponytailed hairstyle (RSV's/NASB's/ESV's Numbers 5:18, Deuteronomy 32:42, Song 7:5), long-sleeved armwear (RSV's/NASB's/ESV's Second Samuel 13:18), shoulder-and-chestwear (Proverbs 5:19), crotch-and-hipwear (Isaiah 3:16-17 and Isaiah 20:4), full-length legwear, whether roomy slacks or long non-slitted skirt (Isaiah 47:1-4) and socks-in-shoes-or-boots footwear (Jeremiah 2:25) rightly-interpreted in applicable context.

Traditia (Worship of Rituals)

Adult Heterosexual Connection Service


1. Completely Undress Each Other and Shower Together

2. Keeping female feet clean from shower to bed (with temporary fresh socks, or body-carry)
he licks her feet and pussy in bed, then gives her a complete
breasts-and-genital-and-buttocks-oriented full-body massage.

3. She caresses and sucks his penis as pre-cum foreplay.

4. They engage in genitally penetrative and connected coitus, with him giving her a creampie.

Marital Sex Poses [(Married) ADULTS ONLY!]